Bible Journaling Jump Start
Bible Journaling Jump Start


Bible Journaling Websites
Bible Journaling Instagram
Bible Journaling Facebook
Bible Journaling Pinterest

Connect with Community

There are many Bible journaling communities available for you based on your level of expertise, the type of Bible you have, and the types of products you use. Search online for the community that best meets your needs or try some of the Facebook groups we have listed here:

Social Media

Social media offers amazing Bible journaling resources. You can connect with other Bible journaling artists, find inspiration—and spend hours—viewing styles and pages in different Bibles, and learn tools and techniques to help you on your creative faith journey. The three most popular social media sites for Bible journaling are Facebook,
Pinterest, and Instagram.


If you are looking for Bible journaling inspiration, try searching for these hashtags (and using them yourself!): #biblejournaling, #bibleartjournaling, #bibleart, #biblejournalingjumpstart, #biblejournalingcommunity, #artworship

And check out the Instagram feeds from some of our contributors:


Pinterest is a visual feast for the eyes! If you want inspiration on a particular verse, just type it in to the search bar. You’ll be delighted with what you find! And check out these informative resources:

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